3 June, 2015
Author: María Jesus González
Genre: Current Affairs
Category: Heywood Hill Readers
Recommended by Heywood Hill Reader Geoffrey Elliott
'To recommend Raymond Carr—The Curiosity of The Fox by María Jesus González, translated by Nigel Griffin, and published by Sussex University Press in 2013, and then say “wait,” is a funny way to go about things. This study of a brilliant, social-climbing, high-living, hard-riding historian, a major force in explaining the history of Spain, and a leader in the development of St. Antony’s College, Oxford, is superbly researched, written and translated, far more of a “page turner” than one expects in an academic biography. But the hardback price is eye-popping. There are reports of a planned paperback, for which I would suggest waiting. But read it sometime, somewhere, perhaps on a beach in Spain!'
Geoffrey Elliott, a retired merchant banker and occasional author, has lived in Bermuda for about 30 years, and has been a loyal Heywood Hill customer all that time….